Street Fund Tax - City of Longmont Skip to main content
Street Fund Sales and Use Tax
Use of Street Fund Tax Dollars

The Street Fund Sales and Use Tax provides funding for a variety of City transportation services, programs, and improvements.


Dollars generated from the Street Fund tax are routinely used by the City to meet local match requirements when applying for grants from outside agencies like Boulder County, Colorado Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration and Federal Emergency Management Agency. Such collaborative funding enables the City to maximize limited, local investment to complete large projects.


The Big Picture
  • Street Maintenance and Repair
    • surface treatments including pothole patching and crack sealing
    • snow and ice removal and street sweeping
    • curb and sidewalk concrete repairs
    • road rehabilitation and reconstruction
  • Transportation System Safety and Efficiency
    • replacement of inadequate and aging bridges– including those that do not pass 100-year flood flows
    • intersection improvements to address congestion and delay
    • construction of bicycle and pedestrian improvements including underpasses and sidewalk connections
    • maintenance of traffic engineering devices like street signs, signals and pavement markings, as well as installation of new traffic signals


What Does This Cost Residents?

The Street Fund Sales and Use tax is 3/4 of a cent, or less than one cent on a one dollar purchase.


Street Fund Tax History

The Street Fund tax was initially approved by voters in 1986. Voters renewed the tax for additional five-year increments in the following elections: 1990, 1994, 2000, 2005 and 2009, and for a 10-year increment in 2014.

In 2019, voters approved a permanent extension of the Street Fund Sales and Use Tax, allowing the City of Longmont to better plan for and finance large or long-term projects, including providing necessary local funding sources for grant applications.